
How To Spot a Fake Bape Tee/Bape T-shirt

How To Spot a Fake Bape Tee/Bape T-shirt

If you are wondering how to legit check Bape tee then you came in the right place, as we are about to show you some of the most important steps to compare Bape T-shirt fake vs real.

Have you ever heard about our authentication certificate? If you are struggling to get the authentication done at home all you need to do is reach out to our amazing team via our live chat and get your certificate today!

Now let’s get to our methods already.

Key Takeaways:

  • Each Bape T-shirt comes in a unique dust bag which will be the first step in discovering the authenticity of your clothing.

  • The washing label on the real Bape T-shirt is very distinctive in size and font, which makes it a great method to spot a fake.

  • Comparing the designs on the neck and sleeve tags of your t-shirt with images of the real deal will help you discover whether your purchase is fake or not.

  • Compare the detail and size of the ape print to images of real and fake t-shirts to determine if yours is authentic.

  • Consider our professional advice and authentification certificates if you are struggling to determine whether your t-shirt is fake or not.

Table of Contents

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Bape T-Shirt real vs fake: low-quality printing

What would be a Bape tee without an ape print? Nothing, you are right. 

The original ape print is much larger and more detailed than the one shown in the right picture. The print on the unauthentic model is weirdly round-shaped, when it should have more defined and sharp edges.

The outline was not the only thing messed up by the replica factories, by the facial features too, for example, the shape of the mouth is much thicker on the fake Bape tee print, as well as the letter "R" put in the bottom right of the ape.

The colors on the original print are super saturated, which can not be said about the low-quality print on the right.

Also Read: How to Legit Check Bape Hoodie

Bape T-Shirt real vs fake: high quality printing

This is another print, but in this case the ape on the faux model is taller in shape but thinner when the original print is very thick. 

The font clearly has been poorly copied, as the letters are supposed to be thicker and bolder, put closer to the ape with less space between one another.

The Neck Tag Method

Bape T-Shirt real vs fake: neck tag method

The original neck tag has very vibrant colors from yellow to green, while these colors on the faux tag are washed out and do not have the same quality.

The font is copied pretty well but the letters are supposed to be more defined.

Edges of the original tag are thicker too.

The Sleeve Tag Method

Bape T-Shirt real vs fake: sleeve tag

The sleeve tag has an iconic ape on it.

Sometimes, even the original brand is inconsistent when it comes to stitching the tags, but the tag shouldn't be stitched chaotically just as shown in the right picture,

The ape shape is larger on the authentic tag and the color is brown, while the fake print is dark red.

The font of the "R" is different on the faux model too, as it is not supposed to be as thick and bold, but thin and paler.

We hope that our methods are easy to follow even for those who do not have knowledge in this field at all, but if there are still some questions left, we would encourage you to contact us via our live chat available 24/7!

The Dust Bag Method

Bape T-Shirt real vs fake: dust bag

When you order your Bape tee, it comes with a dust bag just like shown in the left picture.

The colors on the original dust bag are much defined and darker, while they have washed-out and faded look to them on the Bape T-shirt replica.

The letters are not supposed to be as tall, but bold and thick just as the original letters.

Read Next: How to Spot Fake Bape STA

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The Washing Label Method

Bape T-Shirt real vs fake: wash tag

It might seem a little weird checking a washing label while authenticating an item, but as you can see, the replica factories do not really pay much attention to these little details.

The print quality is very low on the fake tag, the letters and icons are so faded-out that it is almost impossible to see them.

When this print is supposed to be bold and thick just as it is shown in the left pictures.

The Bape Logo Tag Method

Bape T-Shirt real vs fake: logo tag

This is the last method we will be talking about today.

The print on the original tag is matte and the background is texture-less, while the faux print has weird glittery-look with super textured background.

If we take a look at the back of the tags, the letters on the fake model are impossible to read too.

In Conclusion…

As you can see, fake Bape shirts might not be as hard to authenticate easily and quickly at home.

If our steps still seem to be too complicated, don't worry, we got your back with our amazing Bape authentication services. All you need to do is contact our knowledgeable team, ready to assist you 24/7!

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