Canada Goose Authentication Guides
Avoid wasting time and money on fake designer items. With 6+ years of experience, our team, along with AI, will confirm if your items are real, explain why, and provide an authenticity certificate.
Canada Goose Authentication Service
Sale price Price $15.00 Regular price
Upload Photos
Step 1
Choose your item
Tips on how to speed up your authentication
Take close-up and focused photos in natural light
Include all the available engravings
Take macro quality photos of the mechanical details and stamps
Explore model specific
photo examples
Take close-up and focused photos in natural light
Include photos of all the available logos
Take clearest possible photos of the series code
Explore model specific
photo examples
Take close-up and focused photos in natural light
Include photos of all the available labels
Take photos of all labels’ pages
Explore model specific
photo examples
Take close-up and focused photos in natural light
Verify whether your pair has a removable insole
Focus the camera on the logo and size stamps
Explore model specific
photo examples
Take close-up and focused photos in natural light
Use a hairdryer if the insole is stuck inside the shoe
Focus the camera on the area under the insole
Explore model specific
photo examples
Take close-up and focused photos in natural light
Include photos of all the available logos
Take clearest possible photos of the series code
Explore model specific
photo examples
Step 2
Upload the photos of your item one by one
1st optional photo
2nd optional photo
Washing label (back)
Serial number
Hardware engravings
Washing label (front)
Brand logo
Overall picture
Logo texture close up (Macro image)
Zipper head (front)
Hologram label
Serial number
Made in label
2nd optional photo
1st optional photo
Zipper head (back)
QR code label
Authenticity card
Shoulder strap clasp
Dust bag
Brand logo
Overall picture
Inside label
Hardware engravings
2nd optional photo
QR code label
Zipper head (front)
1st optional photo
Paper swing tag
Zipper head (back)
Hardware engravings
Washing label (every page)
Collar label (back)
Hologram label
Overall picture
Washing label (front)
Size tag
Collar label (front)
Washing label (back)
Box label
2nd optional photo
1st optional photo
Inside Stitching
Tongue inside label
Zipper head (back)
Zipper head (front)
Tongue front label
Logo texture close up (Macro image)
Insole (back side)
Overall picture
Size & model printing
Insole (front side)
2nd optional photo
Box data code
1st optional photo
Box label
Zipper head (front)
Zipper head (back)
Tongue front label
Tongue inside label
Logo texture close up (Macro image)
Overall picture
Insole (back side)
Size tag
Inside Stitching
Insole (front side)
1st optional photo
2nd optional photo
Zipper head (front)
Logo texture close up (Macro image)
Authenticity card
Dust bag
Serial number
Zipper head (back)
Made in label
Brand logo
Overall picture
Inside label
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